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Communication and Human Resources

• "Effective Communication Seminar" Second edition - Escuela de Humanidades UNIR - November, 10 2014 (Video 1)(Video 2)

• "The strategic value of communication in corporate reputation" conference in Third Annual Meeting of Internal Communication. Montevideo (Uruguay) August 14, 2013 (Video) (PDF)

Program of the XVII Conference Updating HR. UCEMA Buenos Aires (Argentina) May 15, 2013

Conference "Compensation + talent + motivation, how to apply them in a Changing World" III Additional Compensation & Benefits Summit. Montevideo (Uruguay) March 15, 2013

International Conference on Communication and Protocol - USMA. Panama City. July 2012

• First Workshop of Communication and Protocol in Resistencia (Argentina). March 2012 (Video 1) (Video 2) (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (PDF)
